Fire Damâ„¢ 150+ Acrylicl Atex Sealant

Richard Mcclintock, A Latin Professor At Hampden-sydney College In Virginia,

A firestop is a fire protection system made of various components used to seal openings and joints in fire-resistance rated wall and/or floor assemblies.

Firestops are designed to restore the fire-resistance ratings of wall and/or floor assemblies by impeding the spread of fire by filling the openings with fire-resistant materials. Unprotected openings in fire separations cancel out the fire-resistance ratings of the fire separations, allowing the spread of fire, usually past the limits of the fire safety plan of a building.

Firestop although a small part of an overall budget can result in delays if not done correctly.

FSIME have experience working on international level projects which have the most stringent testing and documentation requirement. FSIME team have managed to execute over AED 100 million in Firestopping since inception, and we continue have a very strong order book.

FSIME is a Factory Mutual, FM 4991 contractor having executed over FM 4991 specified in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dubai, UAE and Doha,Qatar.

FSIME have 6 full time DRIs (Designated Responsible Individuals) on staff to help with technical and execution related queries.

FSIME is a 3M distributor and a 3M master contractor, this allows us to offer our clients the best pricing possible. Our purchasing power and relationship directly with the manufacturer allow us to provide the best pricing and more importantly technical support on site, when required.

FSIME offer a host solutions for your firestop needs from the basic to complete
  • Material Supply
  • Consulting Services
  • Supervision Only
  • Time and Material based bids
  • Material and Supervision
  • Turn Key – Lump sum bid.

FSIME can provide a solution to suit your budget and project requirement. We can supply materials only and provide training to your employees or take on a turnkey job from take off to completion.

Proof of our success is the number of clients who continue to give us continuous work on different projects.


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